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2025 Spring Fire School - Melville

2025 Spring Fire School - Melville

Friday, May 9, 2025 5:00 PM - Sunday, May 11, 2025 12:00 PM (CST)


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Course Descriptions

Fire Fighters Basics

The starting point for all new recruits or as a refresher program. This 16-hour program will combine three Essentials of Fire Fighting lessons. The three lessons will enable students to predict probable fire behaviors and know the actions necessary to change or prevent these behaviors. PPC will enable students to properly identify, use and maintain personal protective clothing.

Pre-course Assignment: Read "Essentials of Fire Fighting" 7th Edition: Pages 12-183 

Prerequisites: None

Clothing: Full turnout gear


The starting point for all new recruits or as a refresher program. This 16-hour program will focus on one Essentials of Firefighting lesson. The lesson will enable students to be able to safely use, clean, recharge, inspect and store self-contained breathing apparatus.

Pre-course Assignment: Read "Essentials of Firefighting" 7th Edition: Pages 201-226

Prerequisite: FFB

Clothing: Full turnout gear & SCBA (SCBA CANNOT be shared) 

SCBA bottles must have recent hydro testing indicated on cylinders or they will not be refilled

Pump Operations

This course will cover the basic maintenance of a fire pump, how to use a fire pumper, how to use the relief valve, how to draft water from a slough and pumping from a hydrant system. Students will be shown how to perform pump service tests on their trucks. This course consists of both theory and practical work environments.

Prerequisites: None

Clothing: Full turnout gear or coveralls

Fire Safety Inspections (Visitations)

This course encourages fire safety visitations and evaluations of small community facilities and will include the reason for inspections, authority under the Fire Safety Act, building classification, inspection & maintenance, emergency planning, calculation of occupant load (based on net floor space & exits), common hazards, orders and appeals, water supply & hydrant maintenance.

Prerequisites: None

Materials Required: calculator, measuring tape, pen, ruler & notepad.

Ground Ladders and Ropes

Completion of this program will enable the student to identify, carry, raise, climb, inspect and maintain fire service ladders and the student will be able to identify and properly knot, use and maintain various types of rope used in the fire service. 

Pre-course assignment: Read "Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th Edition: Chapter 18 Ladders/ Chapter 7 Ropes & Knots

Prerequisites: FFB & SCBA

Clothing: Full turnout gear

Vehicle Fire Fighting

This program consists of a theoretical and practical application. The program will enable students to identify and describe dangers associated with vehicle fires. Students will identify and explain the elements of vehicle fire suppression strategy, describe the major dangers of vehicle fires, understand the importance of strategy and tactical team operations, and understand the possible indications of deliberate fires. Students will participate in hands-on vehicle firefighting, as well as classroom activities.

Prerequisites: FFB & SCBA

Clothing: Full Turnout Gear / SCBA. 

SCBA bottles must have recent hydro testing indicated on cylinders or they will not be refilled

Vehicle Extrication

This course is designed to teach rescue personnel involved in vehicle extrication the knowledge & skills necessary to perform a safe expedient rescue using a variety of tools and techniques. Students will gain the knowledge to assess the accident scene using the Incident Command System and have the opportunity to use extrication equipment in a safe, controlled situation under the guidance of a skilled instructor. The safe use, care & maintenance of hand and heavy hydraulic rescue tools will be covered. Students will learn to recognize existing and potential hazards at an accident scene and to stabilize the entire scene, as well as patient access, care and package for removal. Extrication can be dangerous - rescuers should be properly trained in order to protect themselves and work safely near accident victims. 

Safety equipment must be worn.

Prerequisites: None

Clothing: Full turnout gear, gloves, CSA footwear, helmets with face shield & safety glasses

Additional Courses:

Wildland Fire Suppression Awareness

This 16-hour awareness course is designed for firefighters and individuals who directly and indirectly encounter and fight wildland fires in Saskatchewan. The in-class information provided will assist firefighters in identifying safe and informed strategies when fighting wildland fires. To prepare firefighters to respond safely and effectively while suppressing fires burning in wildland fuel types. Course content is delivered by lectures, hands-on classroom exercises.

Prerequisites: ICS-100 Incident Command System Orientation

Heavy Vehicle Rescue

This 16-hour course covers proper techniques and what tools to use in a complex rescue situation. This training is made to be used in regards to buses and tractor trailer related accidents. You will utilize skills and abilities from auto extrication and how to differently use all the tools at your disposal to stabilize and extricate victims.

Prerequisites: FFB, SCBA

Clothing: Full turnout gear or Coveralls, gloves, CSA footwear, helmets with face shield & safety glasses


Rescuing your own is mentally and physically demanding. In this course, experienced firefighters will will learn how to rescue a downed firefighter safely and quickly. They will use the knowledge of rescue carries and drags, ropes and knots, SCBA harness conversions, hose lines and ladders. They will also learn to navigate confined spaces and entanglements with gear on as well as getting the downed firefighter through the opening or entanglement. This training is instrumental for the safety of all firefighters on scene.


Clothing: Full turnout gear and SCBA / spare bottle

Structural Search and Rescue

After completing this 16-hour course, the student shall be able to demonstrate practices for firefighter survival during interior operations, describe search and rescue operations. Students shall also be able to describe MAYDAY protocols, evacuation, and rapid intervention operations.


Clothing: Full turnout gear and SCBA/spare bottle

Surface Ice Rescue/ Open Water Rescue (course type will be dependent upon weather)

Surface Ice Rescue

This 16-hour awareness course is designed for anyone involved in emergency services that may respond to a situation where someone has fallen through the ice or is in trouble in cold water conditions. This course is designed to give the student the practical knowledge and skills to operate safely in an ice-based environment. Basic safety and self rescue, entrapments, and simple systems are all performed in this course. you’ll learn about the formation of ice and how to assess the risks and hazards. You’ll also learn about traveling on the ice and what to do if you or someone else has fallen through. This course has a theory and practical component.

Prerequisites: FFB, must be able to Swim. Sign our waiver form and have fire chief sign off on student 

Surface Water Rescue

This 16-hour Awareness course is designed to provide the knowledge to respond to a water rescue situation and to recognize hazards and mitigate them.  This course is geared for the student to understand and avoid the hazards associated in the swift water.  This course is designed to give the student the practical knowledge and skills to operate safely in a low risk and shore-based environment. This course has a theory and practical component.

Prerequisites: FFB, must be able to Swim. Sign our waiver form and have fire chief sign off on student 

Melville Fire Department
Box 1240
Melville, SK S0A 2P0 Canada

Hotel Information:

Best Stay Inn - Code: Melville Fire - 306-728-4546

Sigma Hotel - Code: Melville Fire - Must book by April 9th - 306-728-4688

Home Inn and Suite (Yorkton) - 306-782-7829

Comfort Inn (Yorkton) - 306-783-0333

Quality Inn (Yorkton) - Code: SVFFA or Spring Fire School - Must book by March 31st - 306-783-3297

Days Inn (Yorkton) - 4306-994-4325

Event Contact
Brian Walters
(306) 640-9874
Send Email
Friday, May 9, 2025 5:00 PM - Sunday, May 11, 2025 12:00 PM (CST)
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